Thursday, January 31, 2013


So I'm usually not a "tight" sweater kindof girl but when I saw this one I knew it was a must! Also this top has been a staple piece in my closet for YEARS! It's so comfortable, fashionable, yet a little dressy. I love when I run upon a great find at a great cheap price! 

Also so excited today happens to be my Friday:) and then as soon as work is over I'm going to Tuscaloosa for Unashamed!!! I know I told you guys it was the 4 year anniversary but I was's actually 5! I can't believe it. Don't forget to check my twitter (AbbyLrn) for a link to the live feed for tonight!!:)

Top: Forever 21 | Sweater: Express | Jeggings: Express | Boots: Madden Girl | Earrings: Juicy Couture | Watch: Michael Kors

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3: 3-4

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Sorry friends I've been quite the busy beaver this week and I wish I could tell you it was going to slow down but the fact is it's about to kick into high gear. 

Last night was BASEMENT Tuesday! I LOVE being a apart of this ministry and serving. I am apart of the t-shirt team meaning I help to sell shirts. It's a perfect match for me...Fashion + Ministry...does it really get any better??!! It's so funny how God works things out PERFECTLY! I hope that if you haven't checked us out yet then you will make it a point this year!! (The Basement

Tomorrow night I'm heading to my second home, Tuscaloosa, for UNASHAMED!! (It's the Basement's college ministry.)  I'm so excited. It's the 4th year (to the date) and it's going to be in the Zone at Bryant Denny Stadium!! I remember when we started in a backyard. It's crazy to see God move on this campus. Check my twitter (AbbyLrn) tomorrow for the link to the live webcast!! :)

Then Friday morning (yes after coming back home to Bham) I will go back to Tuscaloosa for my best friend's first wedding shower, thrown by us bridesmaids. Well technically it's not until Saturday afternoon but have to go get things in order! It's going to be exciting to see everyone and to kick things off for Lala's wedding!!:)

Happy Wednesday! Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Monday, January 28, 2013


It's Monday! New week, new start! You may or may not have noticed my "tag" under my verse (GO HARD). This year with the Basement we have made that our moto and I have also personally taken it as my moto, so I figured I would tag it on my blog to remind me. GO HARD for me means pushing myself to the next my relationship with Jesus, in my workout, in my work, in my eating habits...everything. I want this year to be one I mark down and remember forever. So I hope that you will join me this year. You can leave me a comment and let me know what you want to GO HARD for this year!

Photo bomb by Lyla:)

Vest: Calvin Klein | Hoodie: PINK | Top: Express | Leggings: Forever21 | Shoes: Nike

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3: 3-4

Thursday, January 24, 2013


So being a single girl still on the look for Mr. Right, it is hard to find someone willing to put up with your crazy blog antics. You want to find that perfect shot without using the same poses (yes I'm currently failing in the area and am open for suggestions:)) and taking the same shot over and over again. But God has blessed me with some pretty great friends who are very patient with me and are always there to help a girl out. So to anyone who has ever taken a picture for "the blog", you will never know how much it means to me!! Thank You!!!:)

Cardi: Express (similar and similar) | Top: Basement |  Tank: Gift | Leggings: Nike via Academy ( I am in LOVE LOVE LOVE with these new leggings!) | Boots: Steven Madden (old)

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Over the weekend I headed to my second home...Tuscaloosa...for the National Championship Celebration! As you know I love my Alabama Football but surprisingly I haven't always been a Bama fan or even a big Bama fan. I grew up cheering for Mississippi State. Then took a trip to ttown with my friends in high school, walked into Bryant Denny, and knew I was home. I grew up in a football when I got to Bama attending every home game was a no brainer. Actually until a few years ago....I hadn't missed a home game since 2004. It wasn't until 2005 when "Bama was back"...but not really for long...that I really started to care about who the players where. Then in my junior year I met my now best friend Lara Ellen (who worked with recruiting at Bama) and lets just say we each found our match. Neither of us had ever met another girl who loved football as we each did. As my love for Bama football grew so did my love to know about the players and then as they moved on to the NFL I began to become more in the know there as well. Football is a fun hobby for me. I love being able to pull out a bit of information about the NCAA or NFL in conversation that no one would expect me to know. One of the many ways I know that God made me so unique. :)

CJ Mosley

Barrett Jones

AJ McCarron

Eddie Lacy

Nico Johnson

Vinnie Sunseri

Robert Lester

And so many more:) I had so much fun celebrating with my friend Paige and her family!! Oh and yes I added all the football players names without the help of a roster;)

ALSO don't forget tonight is BASEMENT Tuesday!!! Watch here at 6:45 cst! 

Until Next Time....

Hebrews 12:1

Monday, January 21, 2013


Last Thursday day we had a little snow storm blow through. I was like a little kid! I was loving the freezing temperatures but not the semi icy roads. I know for some people the snow was not a big deal but I was so fired up! It's so peaceful and everything seems so quiet. I just love when Jesus gives me the opportunity to experience it!:)

Happy MLK Day! I am so enjoying this day off hope you are too. Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Friday, January 18, 2013


TGIF...and a 3 day weekend!!!:) And after a SNOW day...yes a snow day in Alabama I was so excited....I'm not sure this week/weekend can get any better. I know for most people the snow wasn't a lot or a big deal but I was praising Jesus to finally see some snow. As I've gotten older I have become such a lover of cold weather! I know spring is coming very soon so I'm soaking up every bit of this "cold" weather that I can. So I'm going to Keep Calm and get me cold weather on!;)

T-shirt: The Basement | Top: Target (old) | Jeans: Miss Me | Necklace: Belk | Nails: Jag-U-Are (Still rocking the championship nails here. First seen here)

I must say thanks to my wonderful friend and photographer for these great pics!!:) 
Have a wonderful weekend!! Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Thursday, January 17, 2013


So on Monday I had to appear in court for something with work. I thought initially it would just be me, another girl from work, the lawyers, judge, and some other people sitting around a table talking. Boy was I wrong! (Side note I was not in trouble. :) Just something I had to do as a SLP.) I have never been in a court room before so needless to say when I sat down in my first my blood pressure sky rocked, even if it was a very small court room in small town Alabama. I had to be sworn in by the judge, sit on the witness stand, and be cross examined! But Praise the Lord I made it through. :)

I've found over the years one of the best ways to be confident in yourself is to have on something you are comfortable in, feels like you, and looks cute! I found that in this outfit so this skirt will be making more of an appearance in my wardrobe. (I kindof forgot about it. :/)

Top: Old Navy | Skirt: F21 | Tights: Gap | Shoes: Sam Edelman |  Watch: Michael Kors

Gloves: Brian Atwood for Target

I am also loving this colder weather so that I can pull these beauties out! I looked for YEARS for the perfect leather glove and I finally found it. Also praying for lots of snow tomorrow and more cold weather!:)

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


So a tad late on this one but better late than never. :) It was the day after the national championship so red + houndstooth + my "We won't stop" hoodie was a must! I just had to figure out a way to make it all work. I must admit I did love how this outfit turned out. It was also very comfortable, and in my line of work that's always key for me. I need to be able to move, bend down, and pick up a kid all while not feeling like one wrong move and my clothes are going to pop!:) 

As you can see we still have many $5 and $10 basement shirts so check out our website and let me know what I can get for you! Also don't forget tonight is Tuesday Basement so watch it live 6:45ct here! OH and one more thing....we have some amazing new shirts...scroll down for a me you are going to want one!!

Top: Target (old) | Hoodie: Basement | Jeans: Express | Boots: Vince Camuto | Belt: Express | Necklace: Belk | Watch: Michael Kors | Bracelets: BCBG (similar and currently loving this and this); and a little shop in Gatlinburg

Pretty awesome huh? So what size do you want!:)

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4