Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So you may or may not know but I am getting ready to move...once again in my life! But this time it's only from one side of town to the other!;) I'm very excited about the move because it's going to put me about 2 minutes away from the Basement, which praise the Lord for no more 30 minutes drives!! I have a lot of decor from when I live in Tuscaloosa for school but still trying to sort it out and figure out my "house style". Like my clothing style I tend to be a bit all over the place. I've been searching Pinterest to see if anything stands out that I would like to recreate. I found some stuff but still seem to be stuck. Below are some of my favorite pins....let me know what you think or if you have any good moving tips! Even after 14 times I still don't have this packing thing down. 

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


So I know I have been away for a while, but the end of last week I went to Destin with my Basement family. Not only did we enjoy hanging out with each other and meeting new people in the great awful weather, but we also had an AMAZING leadership conference every night! We have been blessed to have the BEST leaders in the nation and to get to hear them speak is so challenging each and every time. If you have never been on one of our trips or even been to the Basement you definitely need to check it out!! And don't worry it's Basement Tuesday so I've got you covered here at 7ct. Also we will be taking another beach trip to PCB for the 4th of come join us I promise you won't be let down!!

Like I mentioned the weather was probably the worst I've seen during a beach trip. It was so cold, windy, and rainy. :( Therefore, I sadly don't have very many pictures to share. But now that I'm back and finally rested up the blog should come back in full effect!:) I hope you all have been doing well...I've miss you!

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I'm sure you all know what today is....and you know I'm SO excited!!!! Tonight is the BASEMENT Spring Break Bash!!! Don't forget if you can't make it downtown you will be able to watch it online!! 6:45ct at the BJCC! You don't want to miss it!!!

I know this outfit has nothing to do with spring or the spring break bash but had to share it!:)

Hopefully I will see you all tonight at the BJCC!!!:)

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Monday, March 18, 2013


So right off the bat I can't even begin to put into words how excited I am for this week! 
1. Tuesday is...yes you know the Basement...but this Tuesday is different, it's the SPRING BREAK BLOWOUT!! We will be downtown at the BJCC, 6:45ct...check us out here and watch LIVE on Tuesday!!!

2. On Thursday I leave with my Basement family to spend the weekend in Destin!! I am so excited for a getaway and our trips are always THE. BEST. 

3. I only work 2 days this week!!:)

Now on to the outfit. I must be honest I wan't going to post this outfit since I had a post with this top a few weeks again but since I got so many compliments on it I figured why not. I am in love with this top and feel like I've been wearing it all the time. We had a Basement St. Patrick's Day get together and this is what I threw on. I don't own many things that are green so I'm glad this worked out!;)

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Friday, March 15, 2013


So here's a quick post I wanted to share! I was having another "I can't believe I didn't think of this before" moments. That's the second one this week....blame it on spring fever??!;) I LOVE these Nike tights and since they are so thin hoping to be able to wear them year around.  Leggings are a permanent  yearly statement in my life!

Have a great weekend!

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Thursday, March 14, 2013


So as you will notice the blog is looking a bit different. Although I really loved my initial layout, but bloglovin' link would not appear unless I made some changes. I think I'm going to like this for the spring, however I would love to do a huge face lift making my blog even more personalized so if you know of anyone who can do that leave me a comment below! Despite being a little tech savvy I did not pay enough attention in my college computer class to make my blog everything I want it to be. 

Now on to the outfit I know you are thinking fur again?! I can't help's been a staple in my winter wardrobe and let's face it after next week's beach trip by fur vests will probably go into hiding until the Fall. I love this tunic. I ordered last winter and it proved to be a great purchase. It's so comfortable while still being so cute and flattering. I can't believe I didn't think of putting these two together earlier....better late than never!;)

Happy Thursday! I currently have 4 more work days until my excited.

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Don't forget it's Basement Tuesday!!! Watch it here at 6:45ct! Annndddd only 1 week until the Basement Spring Break Bash!!!

Also you can now find my blog on bloglovin!!!:)
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Monday, March 11, 2013


Another weekend come and gone. Time has been going by so fast these days. This weekend brought a preview of spring weather....which I must admit was pretty nice!! I'm such a lover of winter and everything comes with it but slowly I'm coming around to my spring wardrobe, incorporating pops of color. Yes I'm saying this mint green is a "pop" of color. :) I told you it's slow...but only 6 more work days until my vacation and trip to the beach with the best team/family! So excited!!

Vest: Calvin Klein | Top: PINK | Jeggings: Express | Boots: Frye | Necklace: Belk | Watch: Michael Kors | Sunglasses: Tommy Bahama 

Hope you all had a good weekend!!

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Friday, March 8, 2013


Happy Friday!! I currently sitting in a conference so I'm not sure how this is going to turn out compared to how I would want. I know my OCD tendencies will have me editing this once I can get to a laptop but I wanted to share this with you!

I know some people can be afraid of animal prints (kindof like I am with camo) but I just look at them like any other print. I must admit I was feeling pretty brave pairing these two together. To be honest a lot of my outfits turn out due to trail and error. Don't let this blog fool you into thinking everything is very thought out. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. That's just the risk you take when exploring fashion. AND then when you find something that it in every color and just change the styling. Then you have tons of new outfits!;)

Have a great weekend!!

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So lately this hair style has become my go-to when I don't feel like curling/fixing my hair. I must admit it's also making the process to grow my bangs out easier. Not having bangs since 2004 is really scary to me but new year new me. Trying new things for 2013. 

Another favorite has been my $6 Target shirt! It's very flattering and a good fit for me...which happen to be rare for me. Therefore another purchase I see making it into my Spring wardrobe. :)

Finally I know what you are thinking...those shoes...really...again??!! YES! I am in love! So comfortable, stylish, and a total must these days! I must find a way to work these into the Spring!;)

And I know you know what day it is....BASEMENT Tuesday! Don't forget you can always be apart here at 6:45ct!! 

Cardi: F21 | Top: Target | Skirt: F21 | Tights: Gap | Booties: Betsey Johnson | Hoops: Michael Kors | Necklace: Belk

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4

Monday, March 4, 2013


So I was looking through my pictures and found this outfit that I have not yet posted. Sadly I only have 1 picture b/c right after that was when my old camera crashed! But here you go about 3 months later:) Also while looking through old pics I found these of when my hair was blonde back at my 26th birthday. I must have been having a good hair night b/c now it has me thinking about going back to this. Let me know what you think?? 

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I sure did...exactly what I needed. 

Until Next Time....

1 Peter 3:3-4